Dear players,
our Winter Event has started!
With the village covered in snow, you will discover new recipes, items and quests (for the duration of the event). Talk to your villagers to find out why boar in mint sauce has suddenly become a highly requested dish. Have fun!
Your Asterix and Friends Team
Patch Notes:
Asterix & Friends Update version 1.4.0 – 15.12.2016
Start of Winter Event
- wintry Gaul map
- temporary event quests and event recipes
- temporary event items: snowball, icicle, apple, baked apple, exotic spices, mint, hot water with mint, roasted boar with mint sauce
- winter loading screen
PvP and tournament
- tournament rework (FAQ LINK)
- visual/feedback enhancements for PvP (league and rank changes are now displayed, active protective shield is displayed in the UI, league icon displayed at villages on friends map, etc.)
- New quests for fighting against Roman legions
- Additional new quests
- New timetable for Phoenician trader: the Phoenician trader will visit your village every second hour and remain for one hour. If he is currently not in Gaul he will return at the start of the next full hour.
- General bug fixes/Improvements